Hello family,
As mentioned last Sunday, March 19th, St. James is trying out a new service for handling tithes and offerings a.k.a. giving. Our current service provider, Vanco, is still operating as normal; however, we received some feedback that the service is not as easy to use as we would like. Therefore, we are opting to try out a new service, Tithely.
Tithely is a free-to-use service, much like Vanco, however, they have a reputation for making giving to churches much easier and faster than their competitors. St. James will try their service out for a period of six months, collecting your feedback to assess whether to make the transition to Tithely permanent. The purpose of this email is to outline steps you can take to ensure this trial period’s success.
First, if you have not already done so, you may download the Tithely Giving app from the Google Store or App Store. It takes less than two minutes to setup your account and, once you’ve done so, you can give to St. James at any time or place in less than ten seconds. Most importantly, you don’t have to worry about checks or balancing your checkbook. The gift is deducted immediately from your chosen method, and you get a receipt emailed to you in seconds.
Second, if you’re unsure of downloading an app onto your device, don’t worry!
Beginning Sunday, March 26th, you will see this QR code in the church bulletin. All you need to do is open your camera app on your phone, hover the lens over this code, and click “allow.” You will be taken directly to our new giving form. No account setup required. Just input your email and credit card information and click give. Easy and simple. In fact, you can scan it now to setup everything for when you give on Sunday.
Third, we need your feedback! This is a six-month trial period, so your feedback is crucial to determining if this new service is as easy and simple as it claims. Submit all your feedback to info@stjameslutheranbrunswick.org with the subject line: Tithely Feedback. You can also click this link! Please ensure you address the following in your emails:
Was Tithely easy to use?
Would you feel comfortable using Tithely for your future giving plans?
What recommendations do you have to improve the giving experience?
In closing, we hope this new service lives up to its reputation. We understand there are barriers to giving to church, but these barriers should not be the tools we use to give. We look forward to receiving your feedback and, hopefully, making a final decision by the end of this calendar year. Thank you for your time and patience.
Johnathen Evans
Council President, St. James Lutheran Church