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New Liturgy Starting September 11th

Last Monday July 19th the Worship and Music committee met to speak about what setting to introduce next in our worship service. After a prayerful and extensive discussion it was agreed to introduce the All Creation Sings (ACS) liturgy setting 11th. This setting of ACS will be used from September 11th 2022 through November 20th 2022.

Beginning July 31st to September 11th we will be meeting in the sanctuary at 10:30 am as our organist Lisa helps us get familiar with the new portion of the liturgy. In addition to this, beginning Wednesday July 27th, through Flock Note and our blog, we will be sending a link to a video that will show case the portion we will be learning that week.

We are very excited to learn and worship with this new Hymnal. We will have hymnals available for anyone who wants to look through it (I encourage you to do so).

"All Creation Sings goes hand in hand with Evangelical Lutheran Worship to support the church's mission of worship in word and sacrament that leads to service and justice in the world. This resource invites us to expand our song and prayer with timely attention to the health of our planetary home and the human community within it." (

This video bellow is St James Worship and Music Committee being led by Lisa (organist) through one of the portions of this new liturgy.

(video courtesy of Pastor Marie)


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